Friday, March 6, 2009

The Sweet Potato Queens First Big-A** Novel

The Sweet Potato Queens First Big-Ass Novel
by Jill Conner Browne

I can't believe I haven't posted a book since October!!!

Okay. This book is NOT for the weak-of-heart. There is some pretty forthcoming language. But it is HILARIOUS!! I found it in the library because the author's name is Browne and this book was right next to Sandra Brown (a favorite of mine) on the shelf.

Five misfits meet up in High School and decide to go ahead and live their lives and make great memories even though they are NOT in the popular crowd. The book covers two decades or so of their lives. "Are Queens born or are they made?" the narrator asks. And then proceeds to show how they are born AND made.

This is the first fiction book written by Miss Browne, but apparently she has like 5 nonfiction books out there. I have already requested a couple from the library. She has quite a huge following of Queens and Wannabes and Spud Studs all over the country.

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